peacegecko photography

My photo
Mascotte, Florida, United States
I love to use my camera. no editing here, folks; what I see is what you get.

go mbeannaí Dia thú!

all photos © 2007 - 2010 peacegecko photography

Friday, October 10, 2008

Sunday, October 05, 2008

a revisit to The Oldest City - 09.20.08

a miserable day on the northeast coast of Florida. a day to stay indoors, or adventure and see what the rain and sea turn up.

I finally made it to the lighthouse, after 18 years of saying I would. and yes, I did climb to the top.

after the dizzying wind and heights, a trip to the pier...

it was a rather blustery day, but there's
never a bad day in St. Augustine.

I'm baaack

wow, never thought I would have to actually buy a new computer. the old one is only two years old!

but I did, and I have, and it's one of those super-duper, slicing, dicing, magnifcient machines that's supposed to last me at least a few years and I should never be able to use up all the 6GB of memory on it or the 500GB external hard drive I bought to go with it.

I can even tune in a radio station and watch cable tv on it!

I think I noticed something about laundry too, but I can't seem to find that gadget. or the one that walks the dog and mows the lawn...

all I wanted was to play with my pics, can you imagine?

so, as I get used to my new system, bear with me until I can figure out how to post some more pics. this also means a new improved peacgecko photography store in the extremely new future.

just in time for the holidays!

can you believe it's that time of year again?


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

sorry, we seem to be experiencing technical difficulties...

it is frustrating to depend on something and then not be able to use it.

I have a fistful of pictures, ready to be shared, but I have a computer I can't use! it is impossible at this time to transfer anything from my camera. hopefully, this will be resolved shortly, but wow! I hadn't realized how dependent I had become on that black box.

to be quite honest, I really haven't much need or desire otherwise to be on the computer. my life has been full lately. new adventures, new activities, new people have all enriched my life over the past couple of weeks and I'm basking in the joy of it all.

it's all good, it's all normal...

Saturday, September 20, 2008


the waves booming, gentle breeze
too much exuberance on the shore
traffic rushing past, oblivious to my mood
but then why should I be alone

the shutter clicks, the words flow
oh, what to do with the day
the mist clouds my thoughts
the air frought with anticipation
hands through my hair sweep the cobwebs away
romanticism at it's best

the sky darkens but not my mood
still overwhelmed by the ebb of time
the sun breaks through, full of indecision
at least I'm not alone in my quest for clarity

Sunday, September 14, 2008

reality check

so, I'm hanging in there. so much to do, so much going on, so many so's!

I hope to have a lot of opportunities to use the camera next weekend. I'm planning on a weekend at the beach with a side trip to St. Augustine; always two places to click away!

Pray for me this week; new opportunities abound and I'm very excited. who knows where I'll be next week!



We had an emotional trip to new york and vermont last summer. one of the good things of the trip was the sights I got to see and capture...

Burlington Bay

the power company at niagara falls

Saturday, September 06, 2008

a bit o' welcome

St. Augustine is one of my favorite places on Earth. I have the pleasure of living only a few hours from the oldest city. it is the most intriguing city I have ever visited and I make the trek often. I was there on the 4th of July this year and took over 200 pictures. the cross I previously posted and these below are just a few of them...more to come!

- síocháin

that's the Irish for you!

"Leprechauns, castles, good luck and laughter.Lullabies, dreams and love ever after. Poems and songs with pipes and drums. A thousand welcomes when anyone comes... "

Thursday, September 04, 2008

my view of things - 6

my view of things - 5

my view of things - 4

my view of things - 3

my view of things - 2

what's the deal?

the creation of this blog coincides with a rebirth in my life.

Frost wrote of reaching the crossroads and following “the path less traveled.” upon first reading that poem as a child, and being a country girl, all I could imagine was that traveler and the country road he trekked. as the years have passed, I have been able to transform that original perception as my own life has transformed.

I knew, in the dark recesses, that this journey was inevitable. I know that a choice had to be made, that I was not able to take the easy route, the charted course, the safe passage. if what was before was perfect and where I was supposed to be, I would still be there, nothing would have changed. alas, it wasn’t, regardless of my efforts to reach the perfection we all strive for.

being comfortable with myself, for the most part, I embark on this renaissance with wonder and awe, mixed with trepidation and fear. a great friend of mine has advised me to release those old feelings of lacking, frustration, anger, guilt and pain, to recognize their unhealthiness in order to grow. my spiritual guides are aiding me in doing so as I set out on this adventure, this overhaul of who and what I am.

the technical issues are tedious, necessary bits that have to be muddled through. the emotional and spiritual matters require a concerted effort, and I know I am not alone in this endeavor.

all I have to do is remember myself, and the progression will be a smooth one.

you will see my in my photos and my blogs my revolution. photography is a love of mine. I do not call myself a photographer; I hate labels and refuse to give in to them. but it’s a wonderful outlet for my unique view of life in general.

I take pictures, some of which immediately hit the dark room floor, (or are deleted to the recycle bin), others that truly inspire me and prove to me that my love is not futile. you will not find edited or posed pictures on my camera or desktop unless I have just come from a gathering of friends or family. life is not scripted or posed, that is not how the world sees us…get my way of thinking?

I do not claim to be an author either, although I am quite accomplished at rambling nonsensically…smack me if you feel the need.

if you, too, take pictures, please reveal them to me. I’m not one of those snobby art people who do not appreciate other’s peoples passions.

so, I share my love with you.

I wish you inspiration, appreciation, happiness and peace. I also wish to quiet my supporters who keep telling me to get my work out there!

I leave you with this;

God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

- peace

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

my view of things - 1

it's all new to me

here I am.

some inspiring pics.

epiphanies and ramblings, too.

look, Mom, no hands!